House CryptidAdoption Centre One-of-a-kind cuddly creatures of the night. Each handcrafted fiend is lovingly summoned from the shadows and ready for you to give them their forever home. Quick-View Chupacabra$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Cthulhu$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Goblin$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Grindylow$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Kelpie$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Leshy$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Loch Ness Monster$25.00Add to cart Quick-View Mothman$25.00Add to cart Quick-ViewAdopted! Pride Cthulhu$25.00Read more Quick-View Pride Goblin$25.00Add to cart Quick-ViewAdopted! Pride Kelpie$25.00Read more Quick-View Pride Leshy$25.00Add to cart Quick-ViewAdopted! Pride Loch Ness Monster$25.00Read more Quick-ViewAdopted! Pride Mothman$25.00Read more Quick-ViewAdopted! Pride Sasquatch$25.00Read more Quick-View Swamp Grindylow$25.00Add to cart